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明清古典家具术语中英文对照 (下)

2013/4/22 14:02:00 来源:中国红木古典家具网 作者:佚名

凳: Stool. Also wudeng.

灯草线: Beading, a rounded moulding.

Dengcao 灯草: are rushes used as lampwicks.

灯挂椅: Lamp-hanger chair. Side chair wkh a high narrow bacic resembling the bamboo lamp hangers commonly used in south China.

雕刻: Carving.

吊牌: Metal pull.

吊头: Protruding end. The part of the top of recessed-leg table which extends beyond the leg towards the sides.

地枨: Lowest stretcher on a cabinet.

顶箱: Upper part of a compound wardrobe in four parts.

顶箱立柜: Compound wardrobe in four parts, consisting of two lower cabinets and two upper cabinets; also called sijiangui.

地平 : Platform. Large low wooden platform, usually square, placed in a room to hold furniture. When used for an alcove bed it is slightly larger than the bed. Very large ones are for a screen and throne.

斗拱式: Bracket model, a type of spandrel inspired by architectural members.

断纹: Crack patterns, the fortuitous designs formed of small cracks on the surface of aged lacquer.

独板面: Solid board top, found most often on narrow rectangular tables with recessed legs, trestle tables, and benches whose top is not made with a frame.

独板围子: Solid board railing.

都承盘 或 都丞盘 或 都盛盘 或都珍盘: Desk tray or desk treasure tray, for holding the treasures (the paraphernalia used in calligraphy and painting) on a scholar's desk.

墩子: Shoe-foot. Horizontal, usually bridge-shaped, piece of wood supporting a vertical member of a screen, clothes rack or lampstand. It tends to be large and includes the embracing drum.

垛边: Frame-thickening inserts. Separate pieces of wood added, mainly for aesthetic reasons, beneath the four sides of a frame of a table top in order to increase its height. They are commonly found on tables and stools, often on the type with leg-encircling stretcher, or with three spandrels to one leg, and a humpbacked stretcher. The inserts are less deep than the frame members and thus give the illusion of a thick frame without having its weight.

朵云双螭纹: Cloud surrounded by confronting dragons motif.

Chinese antique furniture glossary - E

鹅脖: Gooseneck front posts. Curved posts of an armchair which are often made from the same piece of wood as the front legs.

二人凳: Two-seater bench.

Chinese antique furniture glossary - F

方凳: Square stool.

方桌: Square table. Term refers to tables of various sizes.

风车式: Windmill lattice. Patterned on the shape of the windmill motif used in Chinese paper toys.

分心花: Dividing-the-heart motif, the cusp in the middle of an apron.

浮雕: Relief carving.

浮雕透雕结合: Relief and openwork carving. Term used when both types of decoration occur in a single piece.

扶手: Arms of a chair.

扶手椅: Armchair.

Chinese antique furniture glossary - G

盖面: Convex surface or moulding. Term used in Yingzao fashi (Building Standards) and by cabinetmakers today; also called hunmian and tumian.

赶枨: Changing the level of stretchers, in order to spread out the mortises. The term usually refers to the lower stretchers of chairs.

甘蔗床: Sugar-cane squeezer.

高拱罗锅枨: High humpbacked stretcher. Stretcher which often appears on the type of table with three spandrels to one leg and on rectangular tables with recessed legs.

高面盆架: Washbasin stand with towel rack. The two back legs are extended to form the towel rack.

高束腰: High waist. On some examples the influence of a Buddhist pedestal is still discernible.

高桌: High table.

格肩: Mitre; single or double.

格肩榫: Double-mitred tenon.

供案: Recessed-leg altar table.

供桌: Corner-leg altar table.

勾挂垫榫: Hook-and-plug tenon joint, used to attach a giant's arm brace to the leg. The slightly hooked tenon is secured in the mortise by a small block of wood placed beneath it.

管脚枨: Base stretcher, a bar placed just above the feet of a piece of furniture to hold the legs in position.

官帽椅: Official's hat armchair. Term includes the official's hat armchair with four protruding ends and the southern official's hat armchair. See also nanguanmaoyi.

官皮箱: Dressing case, usually having a base with drawers, which are often behind doors, and a top consisting of a lidded tray.

挂销: Hanger tenon. Dovetail-shaped tenon on the top of a leg on which to hang the apron, usually as long as the apron.

挂牙: Hanging spandrel. Spandrel whose length is greater than its width, and which narrows towards its lower edge.

挂檐: Canopy lattice, around the top of a canopy bed.

鼓钉: Bosses, the nail motifs on a drum stool.

鼓墩: Drum stool; also called zuodun.

柜: Cabinet, northern term for chu, which is more current in the south.

柜帮: Side of a cabinet. Craftsmen's term.

柜帽: Cabinet's cap, the top of a round-corner cabinet which protrudes beyond the side posts to allow for the wood hinged construction and which usually has rounded edges.

鬼面: Devil's face. Term used in Gegu yaolun (The Essential Criteria of Antiquities) to describe a particular formation in the grain of


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